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On Friday 29 September, take a virtual tour of the CERN experiments from your armchair! The tours will be conducted in several languages and on Facebook live from the various CERN venues as follows:
Presentation of the project SPARKS and the exhibition Beyond the Lab – Do It Yourself to the public at the Sofia Science Festival, May 2017.
Tо all between aged 18 and 80 who is curious about health and medicine -  don't miss the exhibition Beyond the Lab – Do It Yourself. The exhibition travels across Europe, visiting 28 countries and presents the stories of seven specific individuals and community groups that imagine on where DIY science and medicine might…
RESEARCHER'S NIGHT, Friday, September 29th  2017, in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Ruse, Pleven and more …New attractive competitions are announced, look at: FRESH VIDEO -> FRESH VOICES -> FRESH GIRLS ->
Between November 8-11, the Centre for Research and Analysis (CRA) together with the Sofia University, the Agrobioinstitute, Sofia, the University of Food Technologies and the Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute in Plovdiv will host a series of dialogue events dedicated to the latest food research, including ERC-funded…
SUCCESS4AL - the new project in which CRA participates under Erazmus+- is based on the triple nexus of entrepreneurship, inclusive education, and ICT-enabled education. The is to develop and demonstrate an innovative e-learning platform providing access by adopting inclusive education approach capable of training all students…
The Centre for Research and Analysis and all partners in the Bulgaria-Norway Project Teaching History in Multicultural Society - challenges and models present a new teaching model summarised in а Teacher's Handbook.      
We are very proud with our Bulgarian students who took part in the Genius Olimpiad in Oswego, USA and came back with awords. See what they have got:
The closing event of the bilateral Bulgaria-Norway project Teaching History in a Multicultural Society - Challenges and Models - the Round Table on Teaching History and Cultural Integration took place on May 17 in the House of Scientists, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia.
DON’T FORGET! DON’T MISS the Festival event under project SPARKS, organised jointly by the Institute of Molecular Biology, Bulgarian Academy of Science and CRA  - Radoslav Alexandrov with DNA repair - a double-edged sword, Science Festival, May 14th, Saturday, at 12:00, the Chamber Hall of theatre Sofia. Details – at http…