The topic of improving online classes and curricula for courses in Bioinformatics and Databases was presented on a seminar organized under TACOHEQ (Tackling COVID-19 – Challenges Aiming at Bettering the Higher Education Quality, Erasmus+) project where CRA is one of the partners. The event was held on 30.03. 2023 in the premises of the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Nis, Serbia and was aimed to members of the faculty. New methodology and curricula, as well as the experience of colleagues from the “Neofit Rilski” University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria were shared.
For more detail, look at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cIGD-BG7EQg8QY15vwnEaWvAl6viMLFX/view?usp=drive_web